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Zoomer Illiberalism

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in the swirling vortex of american politics, figures like hasan piker (@hasanthehun) and nick fuentes (@NickJFuentes) stand emblematic of the zoomer-fueled war on liberalism. they exemplify the efforts of the extreme fringes to erode the foundational values of the nation, clearly demonstrating the urgency to win minds back over to the side of american ideals. hasan often caricatures left-wing excess, promoting an anti-american ideology that promotes the dissolution of private ownership, going as far as to advocate for "reeducation camps" in his ideal society. on the flip side, nick fuentes, leading the "groypers," peddles a pernicious mix of ethnonationalism, draped in religious rhetoric, advocating for an america destroyed and remade into something resembling an old-world theocracy, rather than a modern democracy.

liberalism's ideological erosion

historically, 'liberalism' conjured notions of freedom, individualism, and capitalism—ideals extolled by the founding fathers and thinkers like john locke and thomas paine. nowadays, this term is flung as an epithet, its meaning distorted by both political poles. media outlets and personalities have tainted its narrative, burdening it with unrelated cultural baggage, signaling a drift from its roots. what once stood for individual freedoms and ethical governance is now obscured by layers of ideological distortion. republicans, right wingers, and conservatives are more likely to associate liberalism with drag queen story hour and vaccines than they are they foundational principles of free speech and capitalism. if you were to ask a college campus leftist to describe liberalism, you're much more likely to get a description of fascist imperialism.

the post-liberal predicament

the ascent of post-liberal thought plays a dangerous game, enticing followers with the mirage of utopia while promoting a desire for a hierarchical system where the rights and freedoms we benefit from now are done away with. oftentimes, illiberal proponents will decry violations to their perception of liberal rights, they paradoxically support a regime that would strip these very freedoms. as frank herbert succinctly noted, "when i am weaker than you, i ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when i am stronger than you, i take away your freedom because that is according to my principles." cogently evoking the hypocrisy at the core of post-liberal agendas, where a vocal disdain for current liberties highlights a deeper intent to redefine them on regressive terms.

ideological figureheads: a study in contradictions

hasan piker and nick fuentes, as figureheads, encapsulate the contradictions riddling their movements. hasan, despite his affluent origins and ties to mainstream media, hardly represents the proletariat he purports to champion, showing a lack of connection to the principles he preaches. conversely, nick fuentes, while espousing the slogan "america first", yearns to dismantle the liberal democratic foundations of america to forge a theocratic state. pointing to his belief in jesus christ, nick is a vile personality, often known for his shock value and dehumanizing comments towards others. these contradictions demonstrate a clear ideological deficiency among the youth, as the figures they gravitate towards aren't even honest practitioners of the ideal lifestyle they want to lay out for everyone else to abide by.

new liberalism

part of what makes liberalism appear to be culturally weaker than it is truly is the fact that liberalism is kind of lost in the background of american culture. it's so pervasive that it becomes almost invisible and taken for granted. every time nick fuentes claims his freedom of speech is violated, hes implicitly making an appeal to liberal values. when hasan is faced with criticism for his income and workplace practices, he notes that his privately run business employs union workers, another feature of liberal capitalism.

as we navigate the distorted perception of liberal values and aim to recapture the essence of liberalism, it's crucial to envision a new-renaissance that appeals to the digital-native generation. where is the dynamic online liberal community that upholds industry, freedom, and self determination? liberal figures like the streamer steven 'destiny' bonnell (@TheOmniLiberal) has a more personality driven community and though outlets like reason magazine (@reason) address these issues, they often lean towards libertarianism, truly a subset of big tent liberalism. the challenge is to forge a cohesive liberal identity that not only corrects these misrepresentations but also revitalizes the core tenets of liberalism under a unified political and cultural movement.

it's critical now, more than ever, to champion liberalism not just as a political imperative but as a culturally rich, intellectually robust, and ethically sound identity. we must vigorously defend against the rising tides of illiberalism from all sides, asserting that the spirit of liberalism is not merely surviving but is essential for our collective future.