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Reclaiming Liberalism

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those of you who have been following me probably already have a good idea of who i am and what i'm doing here on x dot com, but for those who are new or still unsure of what i'm trying to do, i'm writing this essay to kind of spell it out more clearly.

rather than spit out a garbled mess of political isms to describe myself, i choose to use the following keywords in my x dot com bio: industry, science, philosophy, wealth, freedom. these items are not in order of importance. in fact, i use freedom last so it hits the hardest. these words encapsulate my core beliefs and the principles that guide my thoughts and actions in the digital sphere.

the only political label you will see me adopt is "liberal" and while this word has definitely been tainted by political forces on the left and right, filled with all kinds of baggage, i find "classical liberal" as a term to be a kind of concession to the politically motivated degradation brought on by left and right leaning illiberals. i refuse to yield ground on this fundamental concept of liberalism.

i think free pluralist societies are best equipped to take us into the future. the freedom to live as oneself allows nations to run decentralized experiments of living. freedom to trade enables nations to accelerate technology and opportunity, raising the standard of living for everyone. freedom to think, and downstream that, to speak, are essential starting points for the aforementioned. these freedoms form the bedrock of progress and innovation, driving societies forward in ways that centralized, controlled systems simply cannot match.

i am against collectivist thinking, i don't want groups of people reasoning and representing me on my behalf on account of the body i am born in to. i am against the nanny state, i believe the state is a necessary evil, to be kept in check and under intense scrutiny at all times. i think as people advocate for "strong social safety nets" we undermine the previously mentioned experiments to live and trade because this would mean our state is subsidizing sub-optimal ways of living. where i would depart from libertarians is that i do think we should be assisting the less fortunate and ensuring their needs are met. this balance between individual liberty and societal responsibility is delicate but crucial for a thriving society.

i have a deep appreciation for the foresight of the american founding fathers. their ability to mentally step out of the time they lived in, their own faults considered, to reason and invent a kind of society that was unheard of. they were not perfect, and yet they fashioned a system of government and a cultural framework that was far ahead of its time. this ability to envision and implement transformative ideas despite personal and societal limitations is something i strive to emulate in my own thinking.

my goal on x is to challenge prevailing narratives that i believe threaten individual liberty, scientific progress, and prosperity. i aim to engage in meaningful dialogue about how we can build a freer, more innovative, and more prosperous future for all, while respecting the rights and dignity of every individual. through my posts and interactions, i hope to inspire critical thinking and promote the values of freedom, innovation, and personal responsibility that i believe are essential for our advancement.