The Corruption of Science

we see time and time again that the politicization of science leads to perverse incentives and unscientific results. consider your own averse reaction to my discussing the lab leak theory as an illustration of the point i am about to make.
from lysenkoist famines to chernobyl disasters, communist powers continually play with fire and risk setting the world ablaze. in our current geopolitical setup, communist regimes that answer to nobody pose some of the greatest risks to our planet. now we are presented with myriad evidence that sars-cov-2 is artificial. this is not something rigorously and publicly debated by scientists. it is a moral taboo, enforced top-down by institutions like the taiwan-denying WHO, pulitzer prize-winning journalists, american public health officials, and politicians.
china is practicing unsafe gain-of-function research, and none of our public institutions seem to be acting in americans' best interests to properly evaluate this risk out in the open. instead, they are acting in the interest of appeasement of yet another ruthless communist regime. the ussr tried to lie about chernobyl until it was absolutely undeniable that radiation was showing up in germany and switzerland. the ccp will probably never stop lying about covid. it is up to the truth-seeking and truth-telling institutions of the west to correct the record.
the brave swedish scientists at forsmark alerted the world about the chernobyl disaster when they detected elevated radiation levels, forcing the ussr to admit the incident. similarly, it falls upon western institutions to expose the truth about covid-19. upholding transparency and accountability is crucial in combating misinformation and protecting public health.
if what dr. steven quay (@quay_dr) says is true about scientists agreeing with the lab leak theory behind closed doors but publicly denouncing it, our scientific institutions are in a dire state. these scientists have failed their own spiritual creed to uphold truth and knowledge, instead trading it in for grant money and political clout.
in the face of these challenges, we must ask ourselves: are we willing to accept the uncomfortable truths necessary to safeguard our future, or will we continue to allow political agendas to cloud our judgment and compromise our integrity? the path forward demands courage, transparency, and an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. how will you choose to respond?